Thursday, December 14, 2006

Ok. Let me be the first one to a promise to Soso......

I was having lunch with my boss today and we had a very "AIESEC" discussion....

"What are your personal values?"

Of coz, we didn't really talk about what are our values, but rather was a short discussion on whether a person should have right values in person and with work, i.e. a person having right values at life should have right values at work, vice versa. My boss was telling me when she was attending a training back in Bonn, she discovered that she should have her own values not only outside work but also inside work ---- that is what integrity brings out, right?

You cannot just be a very good person at work but then very bad person outside work --- in either way, it is just inconsistent and you are just not you, and it's not good anyways. I have a bit doubt on my values, altho I believe I am pretty much "knowing" my values but whether I am "Demonstrating" my values, I know I am still long way to go, but at least, I think I didn't contrast, or at least I will avoid having contrast, of myself at work and out of work.

In work, it is pretty easy to twist your thinkings, right? When stress and pressure is coming from your environment, your colleagues, the possible gossips, your boss.....all those things, fear is inevitable, but I think it is really crucial that we FACE the fear (rather than escaping from it), and try our best to conquer it.....this is sth I need to remind myself everyday......

esp. in such a diversed and excellent environment like here, you cannot allow yourself to slow down in learning....

and bear in mind we also have our own responsibility in own learning --- don't complain that people are not giving you opportunities, should question, y u r not being good enough to let people to give u opportunities? and not proactive enuf to grab them?

A good chat with boss that makes me reflect....I am sure that I am going to learn a lot from my experience in here...

And hopefully this is really one company that matches with my personal values...

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